Search results for: “project”

  • Ministerios de Amor Orphanage

    Hello everyone! In June we (Daniel Powell and Helen O’Connor) have been given an opportunity to travel to Mexico City with a team of up to 15 people from Southgate Church in Fort Collins, Colorado to assist a local church, Restauracion Nueva Jerusalen Church , in renovating a local orphanage run by Ministerios de Amor…

  • Minecraft

    History It’s interesting that I purchased my old Alienware M14x R2 just to play Minecraft. Years ago, a friend I knew on Achaea said that they really enjoyed Minecraft, and that I should try it out. Well, I totally did, and totally regretted it. That’s because at that time, all I had was my Dell…

  • Discoveries in 3D Printing Services

    At work, we’ve been playing around with 3D printing services, namely the international chain or distributor known as Hubs. A coworker described it very accurately as “the uber of 3d printing services” where people that have access to printers apply for certification, and people who don’t place an order on Hubs which then distributes the…

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • The Zone

    Have I ever been here? Probably. I cannot recall a specific time I have been fully “In the Zone” as it were, but I know that I was close a week or two ago while working on finalizing a project for work. Based on Manish Sinha’s definition of this state of mind, I cannot…

  • DMX for actual Electrical Engineers

    So it’s been coming up recently that our church media department has been buying “OpenDMX USB Dongles” for upwards of $80. I was mortified, especially after seeing this USB device, opening up the sheet metal project box and finding it to be a simple 2-stage USB to RS-485 protocol bridge with no programmable intelligence whatsoever.

  • OpenVPN

    New project at work! Setting up OpenVPN. It’s great fun…except when it doesn’t work. I love the Windows interface for setting up the Server. It’s straight-forward, and following the tutorial at works like a charm. Setting up the client is just as easy, and the connection can be made in a matter of minutes.

  • Ruby on Rails – Success kinda!

    Okay. I’m totally going to try this again, just to see if I can’t figure it out. Ruby on Rails – A ruby based framework for web stuff. Basically, I haven’t a clue, but I’m going to at least try to get it running on Windows and make some rudimentary website things, just to see…

  • My New C++ Endeavors

    Awesome news! I’ve been asked at work to start doing a bit of GUI development for our NASA projects. They’ve said that all of their stuff is developed using Borland C++. Now with my PennMUSH development experience, I’ve taught myself a bit of C++ (though my PennMUSH development experience has been mostly debugging and making…