Search results for: “lan”

  • Ministerios de Amor Orphanage

    Hello everyone! In June we (Daniel Powell and Helen O’Connor) have been given an opportunity to travel to Mexico City with a team of up to 15 people from Southgate Church in Fort Collins, Colorado to assist a local church, Restauracion Nueva Jerusalen Church , in renovating a local orphanage run by Ministerios de Amor…

  • First Fruits

    Back in April, a church friend of mine offered for me to join a new Bible Study group that he was calling First Fruits. The meaning was tied to the idea that we would be meeting at 6:30am every single day to give the first of our day to God in studying the Bible, worshiping,…

  • Live TV Tuners, Twitch, Plex, and screwing over even more Subscription Services

    Live TV Tuners, Twitch, Plex, and screwing over even more Subscription Services

    I have a lifetime subscription to Plex. I’ve had it for at least eight years. It’s cool! It lets me watch IPTV (built-in) and even has the option to connect to digital tuner+antenna combos on my network. I mean, I saw this “HDHomeRun” device I could buy on Amazon a couple of years ago and…

  • Untrodden Snow

    Untrodden Snow

    When I was a child, the snow would fall all pure and deep and white.

  • Alternates

    I just re-watched for the umpteenth time Rymdreglage‘s video where they change their name and call it Ninja Moped. It’s stupidly quirky and dumb and the worst thing ever, but it hits that place that tickles my love for weird things. Given that I like random name generators (even “analog” ones like this) a whole…

  • Custom Splash Screen for Minecraft

    Premise Time to play around with the Minecraft splash screen!! I found this tutorial on which is good at detailing the small, finicky nuances of creating a resource pack to change the Minecraft splash screen. HOWEVER, I found that a lot of the details written there were unclear and slightly overkill. Also reverse-engineering any…

  • Plex, Synology, Xfinity and Me

    So if your router doesn’t have access to this DNS Rebind Protection business, but you’re still seeing the “Unable to claim” error and you’ve tried everything, see about manually setting the DNS configuration of your actual server machine; not just hoping it will use the ones in your modem or router like it’s supposed to.

  • Minecraft – Upgrading to a 1.16 Server

    Yeah, it’s a big deal with the nether update. Lots of gold farms, lots of new areas, and people are excited to see everything. However, care must be taken when upgrading to Minecraft 1.16. Lots of posts and videos have been made on how to upgrade a singleplayer world, but even more care must be…

  • My Vicci, Part 2

    Let’s see if I can finish some more of this six months after the fact. That last “I love you” was the last I heard. I waited all day to hear something, assuming Ivy would be able to get my number or contact me eventually, or that Vicci was just super quiet because she was…

  • Rez Kids

    Feeds for Youtube A test to see if we can find a WordPress Plugin that displays an easy feed for a Youtube Made-For-Kids channel (as subscriber notifications are not allowed along with comments and other things). This particular iteration is using “Feeds for Youtube” by SmashBalloon. It seems to work well, though what’s offered with…